In my on going quest for the best, most efficient fuel for humans, many angles, research studies & opinions must be sorted through. Things are always evolving & changing so it really is important to learn things starting from their smallest components & building blocks in order to reach a better understanding of what they truely are & how they are (or aren't) metabolized & utilized inside of you. When I started school, I was a music major who played hockey. Most kids do some soul searching after high school and I was no exception. I realized I had been playing sports and singing my whole life but didn't have a solid understanding of how my own body worked and totally changed my path. Since then (over a decade), I have strived to take in as much as I can about all aspects of nutrition, athletics & fitness from both sides of the coin. There is so much to read and process but, I enjoy the journey & am confident in making good decisions for fueling and training my body and the bodies I work with. It doesn't seem that fueling with soy makes any sense for the body to run efficiently, especially in an isolated form. If you have been wondering why soy has evolved negatively, read this article. Although, it doesn't have the best spellcheck, all the info is there with research cited. If you don't care, continue on web surfing ... Thanks for reading :-).